What I Read in May 2021

What I read in May 2021

What I read in May 2021. I had another great month of reading, I think not setting a TBR for the month its helping. I loved everything but one book that I read this month and I’m excited to share my thoughts with you all. 

Reading Stats

  • Total Books Read – 6 (4 physical books and 2 audiobooks)
  • Pages Read – 1,424
  • Audio book Total hours listened – 16 hours
  • Favorite Book I read this month – Too Good to be True and Rock the boat

Too Good to be True by Carola Lovering

This is one of my favorite books I read this month. I couldn’t put it down. This is the perfect beach read thriller in my opinion. The alternating points of view (one of them is a diary entry format) and timeline make this a bingeable book. I suggest going into this one blind and not knowing much about it so that you can enjoy it. You’ll have to trust me on this one!

Format – Audiobook/Physical Book

Rating – 5 Stars. Check out the full review here.

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How to be Married by Jo Piazza

This book reads like Fiction! I loved it so much and can’t recommend it enough. So what is so special about this book you may ask? You’re probably thinking you don’t need to read a book to tell you how to be married. Well, let me tell you this is not a guide of how to be married but more of how people in different countries approach marriage and what the author learned travelling the world and as a newly married woman. I think of this book as a memoir and not a self help book. The only thing I would change about the book is the title because I think more people would read it.

Format – Physical Book

Rating – Read NOW. Check out the full review here.

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People we meet on Vacation by Emily Henry

This is a great beach read and a great book for the summer. I loved Emily Henry’s previous book Beach Read and she did it again with this one. This book will make you want to go on vacation and overall it is a feel good book. You can’t help it but root for the characters. I think I liked Beach Read better but this is a solid rom-com and a great summer read. 

Format – Physical Book

Rating – 4 Stars. Full review coming soon!

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Milk Fed by Melissa Broder

This was my book club’s book for the month. I probably wouldn’t have finished it if it wasn’t for the audiobook and for the fact that it was my book club’s book. Some people on book club really liked this book but most of us were meh or disliked it. My main issue with the book is that I didn’t understand the point of it. There are a lot of sexual scenes that I’m not sure contributed anything to the book. 

Format – Audiobook

Rating – 2.5 Stars. This book wasn’t for me. I won’t write a full review of it because I don’t like being very negative about books (they are the author’s work of art) but I don’t think this is a book for everyone.

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Rock the Boat by Beck Dorey-Stein

This book hasn’t come out yet (comes out June 29th) but I was so excited to read it, I couldn’t hold off until closer to publication date. I also read this in preparation for my summer reading guide (which is coming soon!) and spoiler alert, it will be included there! I loved the setting of the book and the characters. What is interesting about this book is that it is not plot heavy but at the same time i couldn’t put it down. 

Format – Physical Book

Rating – 4.5 Stars. Full review coming soon!

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The Last thing he Told Me by Laura Dave

Aaron and I listened to this one together on a road trip this month. This is a very popular book right now (it was Reese Witherspoon’s pick for May) and I loved it! It is a great suspense book and it kept us entertained the entire drive. I am not rating it 5 stars because of the ending but I don’t want to spoil that. I definitely recommend this book and I loved it!

Format – Audiobook

Rating – 4 Stars. Full review coming soon!

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Overall, I had a great reading month. What was your favorite book you read in May? Let me know in the comments!

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Hi! I'm Gisselle and I love to read. Welcome to my bookish blog. Here I share the books I'm loving and many more bookish recommendations. I am based in Atlanta, GA.

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  1. 6.3.21
    Caitlan C said:

    Can’t wait for the summer reading guide!

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