Celebrating 1 Year of gissellereads.com!

Celebrating 1 year of gissellereads

Celebrating 1 year of gissellereads.com! Wow I can’t believe it’s been 1 year since I started this blog. Thank you all so much for following along and reading my blog posts. It’s been super fun to put together longer reviews, lists with book recommendations and monthly wrap up posts. Over the past year I found a good format that I like for posting reviews (I went back to read the first couple of reviews and can see the difference!) and I hope you all are enjoying them. Wondering what my first review was? The Sundown Motel!

I started the blog because I wanted a space that was mine (Instagram could go away and I’d lose all my work), I wanted to write longer posts and reach people that don’t use Instagram. I am so glad I started the blog and I am looking forward to sharing more things with you all.

My Favorite Blog Posts from this Past Year

I had so much fun learning more about blogging and putting together blog posts this past year. These are some of my favorite posts I published:

What to Expect from gissellereads Going Forward

At the beginning of the year I reflected on what I accomplished with the blog and what I wanted to do going forward. I also asked some of you for what you’d like to see from the blog. These are some things I hope to incorporate into the blog this year:

  • Posts featuring new releases – weekly posts with books coming out that week that I am excited about. Get ready to add more books to your TBR!
  • Recommendations based on themes – These will all be books that I’ve read and recommend. For example books that center around friendships.
  • Bookstore Features – I’ve wanted to do this for a while but I haven’t been going to many bookstores since the pandemic started. Hopefully later this year we can start going to more bookstores!
  • Tips for improving your reading life
  • Tips for book bloggers and bookstagrammers – I’d love to share my experience with others that want to get started with their own blogs or bookstagram accounts.

These are some of the things I have planned for this year and I am so excited to share them with you all. If you have any ideas of things you’d like to see on the blog let me know in the comments! I’m looking forward to sharing more stuff with you all here on the blog.

Welcome to Gissellereads

Hi! I'm Gisselle and I love to read. Welcome to my bookish blog. Here I share the books I'm loving and many more bookish recommendations. I am based in Atlanta, GA.

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  1. 2.20.21
    Caitlan C said:

    Happy anniversary, gissellereads blog! I’m so grateful the blog exists for Insta-less people like me to still access all the amazing gissellereads content! 🙂 I think my favorite type of posts are your monthly book wrap ups. I also cannot wait for the new blog ideas you have planned for this year, especially the tips for improving your reading life. Always looking for ways to enhance my reading life!

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